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Io penso che tu creda che lei sappia

Popular science Print
Io penso che tu creda che lei sappia

Sironi Editore® | January 2018
ISBN 978-88-518-0278-3
256 pp | € 21,80

Logic, Epistemology, Comics

Available materials

English sample available



Io penso che tu creda che lei sappia
Bruno Codenotti, Claudia Flandoli

The book at a glance

Human relationships can be very complicated and may encourage various behaviours difficult to decipher. This happens in the context of romantic relationships as wells as in job relations, and reffering to simple exchanges of views between friends or experts in a given field.
It is quite common to hear political debates – social or cultural – not understanding what actually moves behind the scenes. When the “unsaid” and allusions prevale, it becomes difficult to give an unbiased assessment of the positions expressed by the various parties. What are the stakes? Is Joe saying what he thinks, or are his words conjectures? What does Joe knows that I don’t?

Interactive epistemology is the discipline that deals with the knowledge about the knowledge of others. It was born in the 60s and 70s by the confluence of the investigations carried out in different fields including philosophy, psychology, economics and game theory; it offers us techniques that we can use to orient ourselves in complicated and counter-intuitive interactive situations.
The purpose of this book is to present to the reader problems and situations of interactive nature in which he must assumes the role of a careful and conscious detective. We will not let the reader alone but we will give him the main instruments used by interactive epistemology, thus inviting him to a fascinating journey in a very good company!

By the same authors of the best seller of 2016 “Archimedes had a lot
of free time”

Table of contents

Chapter 1: Let’s go beyond the threshold
Chapter 2: Knowledge and truth
Chapter 3: Interactive epistemology
Chapter 4: Paradoxes
Chapter 5: Discovering the right number
Chapter 6: Communication and coordination

The author

Bruno Codenotti is research director at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of CNR, Pisa. His interests are computation of market equilibria, computational game theory, web algorithmics, algorithms in linear algebra, distributed computing and science communication. He wrote Un biglietto di sola andata. Un invito alla logica e alla teoria dei giochi (Altravista 2015).

Claudia Flandoli lives in Cambridge. She studied graphic design at ISIA (Higher Institute for Artistic Industries) Urbino, illustration at MiMaster in Milan, and biology at the University of Pisa.

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